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Keywords cloud users user removed logged email database comments time password selfregistration post read method Smidsrød Robin Posted Users Portfolio content notified
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Keyword Content Title Description Headings
users 11
user 10
removed 9
logged 8
email 8
database 7
H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6
2 18 0 0 0 0
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SEO Keywords (Single)

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users 11 0.55 %
user 10 0.50 %
removed 9 0.45 %
logged 8 0.40 %
email 8 0.40 %
database 7 0.35 %
comments 7 0.35 %
time 6 0.30 %
password 6 0.30 %
selfregistration 5 0.25 %
post 5 0.25 %
read 5 0.25 %
method 5 0.25 %
Smidsrød 5 0.25 %
Robin 5 0.25 %
Posted 5 0.25 %
Users 5 0.25 %
Portfolio 5 0.25 %
content 5 0.25 %
notified 5 0.25 %

SEO Keywords (Two Word)

Keyword Occurrence Density
logged in 8 0.40 %
is now 6 0.30 %
that have 6 0.30 %
read or 5 0.25 %
now be 5 0.25 %
Posted by 5 0.25 %
by Robin 5 0.25 %
Robin Smidsrød 5 0.25 %
You must 5 0.25 %
must be 5 0.25 %
be logged 5 0.25 %
in to 5 0.25 %
to read 5 0.25 %
or post 5 0.25 %
post comments 5 0.25 %
removed after 4 0.20 %
issue with 4 0.20 %
can now 4 0.20 %
are now 4 0.20 %
Users that 4 0.20 %

SEO Keywords (Three Word)

Keyword Occurrence Density Possible Spam
in to read 5 0.25 % No
to read or 5 0.25 % No
logged in to 5 0.25 % No
be logged in 5 0.25 % No
must be logged 5 0.25 % No
You must be 5 0.25 % No
read or post 5 0.25 % No
or post comments 5 0.25 % No
by Robin Smidsrød 5 0.25 % No
Posted by Robin 5 0.25 % No
can now be 4 0.20 % No
Users that have 4 0.20 % No
are removed after 3 0.15 % No
will not be 3 0.15 % No
the following changes 3 0.15 % No
brings with it 3 0.15 % No
is to avoid 3 0.15 % No
This is to 3 0.15 % No
This should ensure 2 0.10 % No
Robin Smidsrød 26 2 0.10 % No

SEO Keywords (Four Word)

Keyword Occurrence Density Possible Spam
to read or post 5 0.25 % No
must be logged in 5 0.25 % No
be logged in to 5 0.25 % No
logged in to read 5 0.25 % No
in to read or 5 0.25 % No
read or post comments 5 0.25 % No
Posted by Robin Smidsrød 5 0.25 % No
You must be logged 5 0.25 % No
This is to avoid 3 0.15 % No
content are removed after 2 0.10 % No
removed after 26 months 2 0.10 % No
previously caused an error 2 0.10 % No
that have logged in 2 0.10 % No
Users that have logged 2 0.10 % No
months Users that have 2 0.10 % No
single database query The 2 0.10 % No
a single database query 2 0.10 % No
in a single database 2 0.10 % No
again Posted by Robin 2 0.10 % No
They previously caused an 2 0.10 % No

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Blog Portfolio Portfolio » Blog Blog Product news and other information from the developers of Portfolio. Sort Method: Default sort order Alphabetical (ascending) Alphabetical (descending) Number sort (ascending) Number sort (descending) Creation time (ascending) Creation time (descending) Update time (ascending) Update time (descending) Size (ascending) Size (descending) Show Showing 1 - 5 of 110 Another hotpatch: PIN codes can be validated then Posted by: Robin Smidsrød 28. Sep 2018 12:21 Another hotpatch (3c27a9a) was deployed today. It contains the pursuit changes: BugfixesStock-stillissue with validation of PIN codes generating a database error. You must be logged in to read or post comments Hotpatch: Object comments can now be saved then Posted by: Robin Smidsrød 26. Sep 2018 10:46 A small hotpatch (4db6824) was deployed today. Bugfixes It stock-still the issue with saving object comments. It moreover stock-still a minor issue with HTTP requests without User-Agent header causing errors. You must be logged in to read or post comments Improved self-registration workflow, increased performance and increasingly Posted by: Robin Smidsrød 25. Sep 2018 18:34 Today's update (d2fd5d2) brings with it the pursuit changes: Security issues The online request handler is now only wieldy by global administrators. This is to stave leaking personal information from online users to all other users, equal to GDPR regulations. Performance improvements Rendering container breadcrumbs in templates should now be much faster, as multiple database calls to trammels permissions are avoided. The get_child_containers() and get_child_objects() container methods should be much faster, considering permission checking is now washed-up in a single database query. The count_children() container method is now faster considering it calculates the number of objects and containers in a single database query. The has_role() user method should be well-nigh four times faster considering of improved database query syntax. Enhancements The self-registration workflow on CEFR sites required two emails sent to the newly registered user, when one would technically suffice. Now only a single email is sent that includes the reset password URL and the URL you should use to login once the password is set. The help text in the user self-registration form has been improved to mention the set password URL instead of password. The same form now moreover mentions that you need to wordplay the security question to prove you're not a robot. The inactive users removal process is now increasingly randomized, to stave users with undeletable data blocking removal of other users for an extended time. The render_link() method now supports a show_path boolean treatise which turns on breadcrumb rendering. When the send to supervisor object editor full-length is used, the link which is sent is now rendered with a breadcrumb, so it is easier to icon out where it is located in the folder structure. The TinyMCE/WYSIWYG HTML editor rectangle can now be resized. The uneaten toolbars in the wide TinyMCE layout can now be toggled on/off using a button. A lot of the database queries have been refactored, which should make them increasingly robust. This has been a very large task, which might trigger some regressions. Please inform us as soon as possible if you notice something not working properly. Bugfixes The template plugin CGI can now be used with a lower-case name. Previously it silently did nothing. Bullets in unordered lists in message content was not shown. They are now shown, as expected.Stock-stilla bug causing JavaScript syntax error if PORTFOLIO.page_url contains single quotes.Stock-stillan issue with users stuff notified then well-nigh deletion of worth considering of slow deletion process. When users that have been notified well-nigh worth deletion was not deleted within 2 weeks, a new message was sent to them, delaying deletion plane further. Now the re-notification won't happen until without 4 weeks of their first notification, giving the system 2 weeks to unquestionably delete the user without their notification limit has expired. Personal groups are now removed during the delete user process. They previously caused an error during user removal. Institution groups associated with a user is now turned into an institution group without an owner during the delete user process. They previously caused an error during user removal.Full-lengthremovals / deprecations The get_parent() container method is no longer available. If you previously used it, use parent_data() instead. You must be logged in to read or post comments Remove inactive users full-length and increasingly GDPR privacy improvements Posted by: Robin Smidsrød 26. Jun 2018 17:02 Today's update (bc6c820) brings with it the pursuit changes: Security issues Removed debugging lawmaking which unwittingly revealed a secret key for interaction between Portfolio and e-Portal in server logs. Performance improvements Added worthiness to largest inspect database performance. New features User finance which have been inactive for a long time are now automatically deleted. Users that have never logged in are removed without 1 month. Users that have logged in, but never created any content, are removed without 6 months. Users that have logged in and created content are removed without 26 months. Users that have content will be notified 14 days surpassing they are removed. If they log in then within those 14 days they will not be removed. Users with content that have an auto-generated e-Portal or empty email write will not be notified, but they will be automatically removed without 26 months and 14 days. The job that notifies users well-nigh deletion will notify 400 new users every hour instead of all inactive user at once. This is to stave overloading email systems and unwittingly put our servers on spam blacklists. This should ensure all users are notified in approx. 3 weeks. The job that performs the deletions will not be zingy until August 15th. This is to stave that teachers and students that are on summer holiday unwittingly get removed while they're not checking their email. Enhancements IP addresses gathered by Google Analytics are now properly anonymized. This should ensure we are compliant with GDPR regulations. You must be logged in to read or post comments Template cookie wangle and improved email templates Posted by: Robin Smidsrød 12. Jun 2018 11:36 Today's hotpatch (bd3294e) brings with it these minor changes: Enhancements The self-registration email now contains a sentence describing that you need to use the forgotten password full-length to set your password if you don't know it. Improved the PIN lawmaking registration email text similar to the self-registration email. Added increasingly Norwegian nynorsk translations. Bugfixes Re-enabled the worthiness to use CGI.cookie() template plugin method. It was mistakenly removed when the CGI template plugin was rewritten from scratch. You must be logged in to read or post comments Showing 1-5 of 110 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Next Last Portfolio Blog Login Username: Password: Login Use wangle key Forgotten password? This site uses Portfolio™ Copyright © 2004-2018 Vigmostad & Bjørke AS All rights reserved. Cookie policy Privacy policy Portfolio™ conforms to: W3C | HTML  |  W3C | CSS  |  W3C | WCAG 2.0 daafa799-a423-4606-a07f-349cd6dd5f6e